I'm not much of a blogger and I am sure you can tell that by being on here for less than 30 seconds.
I'm not sorry I don't write or update everyday or even every week, but I don't want to ramble on about pointless things that don't matter like "50 things I want to do before I'm 50" (which i prolly will write out on a day when I'm really bored but thats not the point). When I write, I am motivated by things that change me, or by things that I think will change others. the previous entries have not been this case, however. I initially started a blog for all of the people who were being nosey and wanted to know where I was and what I was doing with my life.
Now that you know why I made a blog, I am going to tell you why I am going to keep my blog.
In a world of chaos, confusion, and desperation, I feel as if I am intertwined in all three. Maybe this is normal for a 21 year old girl, maybe its not. I want to be able to express myself in a way that isnt too vulnerable in a sense that I am posting my baggage and insecurities as my facebook status, forcing everyone who is friends with me to see how im REALLY feeling... when in reality theyre really only on there to stalk the guy or girl they like, read about everyone elses drama to make them feel better about their own, or to waste hours playing the games i.e farmville, cityville, and all the other villes out there.
I will keep a blog for the people who actually want to know whats on my mind. But that is not all. I am going to be selfish for about 30 seconds and say that as a 21 yr old going through this thing we call life, I need an escape, I need a tablet, a confidant, a diary, anything and everything that I can truly be myself to. I want to write things that are on my heart, that are on my mind, and I strive to write things that matter most to me.
I'm not going to write out deep dark secrets, or give way too much information, im not stupid.
With that warning, I will starting my "first" blog entry soon.